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Almonds and sight

Almonds and sight
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Generally, the approach to nutrition care has the goal of weight loss. Some aim at aesthetics and some aim at disease prevention. But have you ever thought about the health of your eyes? Obviously, your eyesight deserves all the attention it can get! Good! So eyes wide open and don't neglect them! Prevention month is just around the corner. Let's look together at how a healthy and proper diet can help contribute to the health of our eyes by combating oxidative stress, which, together with air pollution, cigarette smoke and even poor posture, only worsens eyesight. Vitamins are also good for and essential for the eyes. They help to improve our eyesight and, above all, prevent all those diseases that can affect the eye due precisely to a lack of vitamin A, B vitamins, C, E, etc., and which can only be prevented by a diet rich in these precious 'sight-saving' nutrients. Using a nice play on words, we can say that in this 'perspective', nature comes to our aid by offering us a very useful support: in fact, an effective natural supplement that it offers us and that we are talking about today is the almond. In particular, the Almond variety Filippo Ceo of Apulian origin at full maturity in September and with a thick, hard and porous shell. The almond is the fruit of the almond tree (Prunus dulcis),widespread throughout the Mediterranean, particularly in Greece. It is an important source of fatty acids that are essential for our organism; it contains group B vitamins, E, folates and minerals, particularly magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. In general, it has protective action against cardiovascular diseases, prevents diabetes and is valuable during pregnancy. But how do the vitamins mentioned above have a specific effect on eyesight? Vitamin E, Tocopherol, also has strong beneficial and, above all, antioxidant properties for the eyes and eyesight as it helps cells fight oxidative stress that can lead to the development of diseases of the visual organ. It is not only helpful in preventing eye disorders such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, but also strengthens eye muscles and prevents blurred vision. It can also help maintain healthy eye cells and tissues. In particular, a deficiency of it can lead to a degenerative process on the outer segment of the photoreceptors and thinned pigment epithelium, hence the onset of macular degeneration. Vitamin E is also found in foods such as wheat germ oil, extra virgin olive oil, seeds in general and also in nuts and hazelnuts. Genus: Prunus - Species: Prunusdulcis, Amygdaluscommunis L. orPrunusamygdalus.

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