Healthy Mediterranean Diet
What a pleasure it would be to be able to eat a little of everything in moderate quantities, gratifying the pleasure of good food. Without particular renunciation and remorse every time we have to step on the scales. On the contrary, with the pleasure of finding ourselves even fitter.
This is not impossible. The recipe is called 'Mediterranean Diet'. Not just a way of eating, but a real way of life.
In 2010 theUnesco, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, officially elevated the Mediterranean diet to the status of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
In November 2013, he listed the countries where this nutritional model, which is actually not a diet in the strict sense of the word, is a historical dietary attitude inspired by tradition.
Therefore, an important historical and cultural heritage is a symbol of a cuisine whose simplicity, imagination and flavours are appreciated all over the world.
The typical dishes represent gastronomic and nutritional excellence, and the short cooking time enhances the aromas and flavours of all the ingredients, each of which expresses distinct nutritional and protective properties.
Here you can find some easy-to-prepare recipes.
The Mediterranean diet is considered 'inclusive', i.e. omnivorous and balanced. It does not include any forbidden foods, unlike 'exclusionary' diets that eliminate almost everything, favouring only one type of food, such as protein foods.
It is recommended because it ensures an adequate intake of nutrients and is based on natural and minimally processed foods. It also significantly reduces the risk for wellness diseases, i.e. all those diseases such as type II diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular problems, linked to an unbalanced dietary style.
Vegetables, fruit, fish, pulses, dried fruit, wine in moderation, white meat, olive oil, preferably whole grains, and various herbs. These are all foods that have a place of excellence in the basis of the Mediterranean diet.
In short, not just a way of eating but a true lifestyle that is good for your figure, your health and your smile.