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Timpa del Cinghiale

Michelangelo Possidente

Doing business in Basilicata is not easy. Doing it with a boar farm as a base is even more so. "A supply chain complete Italian wild boar is very rare"says Michelangelo Possidente, the company's marketing and sales manager.

A degree in Economics from the University of Basilicata and a Masters in Food and Wine Management from the Sole 24 ore Business School. Michelangelo had the chance to make a career outside, but instead decided to return to his homeland, where his grandfather had started a farm in the 1960s, buying the first cattle from Tuscany.

Breeding and charcuterie




Timpa del Cinghiale




in the delicatessen

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    Via G. Marconi 39
    85024 Lavello, PZ
    Basilicata - Italy
    V.A.T. 01314190768