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Donut egg with vegetables

Stale bread in egg yolk and vegetables

Ingredients for 1 person

  • thinly sliced stale bread, 70 g;
  • Evo oil, n.1 tbsp;
  • chicken egg, 1-2;
  • vegetables to taste recommended, 200 g

Vegetable broth

  • water, ½ litre
  • sliced onion, no. 1;
  • garlic clove, 1-2;
  • cherry tomatoes in any quantity, squeezed onto the bread slices;
  • parsley and salt, q.b.


Cut the bread into thin slices, arrange them on the bottom of the plate, season with cherry tomato seeds and a drizzle of olive oil and measure.

Bring the water to the boil, cook the vegetables choosing from the recommended ones; when cooked, add a poached egg in the same cooking water and pour over the bread slices.



Turnip greens, courgettes, peppers


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